Thursday, December 26, 2013

Give the sharks a gift this season by banning shark fin soup

Christmas is the time for love and giving. And, it does not have to be limited to loving and caring about people. While so many people like to try eating and cooking shark fin soup, you can opt to be different.
Eating shark fin soup is something that’s not just bad for the sharks, but for humans, as well. While you may think that it’s okay to eat just about anything this season, you have to remember that your life is not the only important thing in the world, and that you have to think about others, too.

Why it’s important to stop eating/serving shark fin soup

It’s essential to ban shark fin soup, especially this holiday season, because so many sharks are getting killed for something as trivial as eating them because shark fin soup is considered a delicacy in some countries. You have to put yourself in a shark’s shoes—or fins, for that matter. You have to think about a shark’s life, because you’re not the one who gave that shark his life, and thus, you have no right to take it. And no, just because you’re not the one who put out bait and killed the shark doesn’t mean that you’re not guilty.
Sharks have inhabited the seas for over 450 million years. Yes, they’ve been on earth for longer than you, your parents, or any of your ancestors has been. So, why take the life of a shark when it’s something that’s a big part of history, and is one of the things that make the seas beautiful, and the world beautiful, too?
You know how they say that Christmas should be about giving? That’s true. Christmas is a season to give love, and hope, and to give others the chance to be happy. Thus, you have to be one of those people who work to ban shark fin soup. If you choose to stand up for the sharks, and choose to give them the gift of life, then you are doing something good.

Benefits of not going for shark fin soup

There are many good things that avoiding having this soup can bring, some of which are as follows:
         - The threat of sickness and ailments caused by eating sharks would be lessened. Since sharks are prone to eating and absorbing anything that lives or are thrown in the sea, they are not able to let go of the toxins inside their bodies. This means that once you eat them, you’ll be susceptible to diseases, too.
          -   Sharks would be allowed to live in the seas freely, and threat of their extinction would be lessened. Sharks are one of the only oldest creatures in the planet and that’s why their lives have to be saved.

Why eat sharks when there are so many choices? This Christmas season, be a giver, and not a taker. Allow sharks to live happily and peacefully, and you’ll see, the gift of love and peace will come back to you.

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