Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sharks are Friends—Not Food!

Sharks have always been pictured as the ruthless, ever-hungry predators that are always lurking just beneath the surface to snap their unsuspecting victims in two. Countless horror movies have been made with sharks in their core, so it comes as no surprise that sharks have always had an unsavory reputation.
While their reputation might be unsavory, however, their fins are apparently another matter. Nowadays, sharks have, among other animals, extinction danger. The fearless rulers of the deep that generations have feared are about to disappear forever because they have become from proud predators to lowly soup ingredients.

Flavorless Fishing
In Asian countries, particularly in China, shark fins are considered as luxurious delicacies, fit only for the likes of emperors and other dignitaries. It’s been served in the courts of the Forbidden Kingdom for centuries, and, as with most of its traditions, this practice continues on to this day. Shark fin meals are still very much in demand in restaurants—a demand that must be supplied constantly.
This demand has led to overfishing of sharks. As only their fins are wanted, they’re most likely left to die after having their fins cut off. A shark needs to be in constant motion to live, so having to swim without fins must be a bit difficult, right? Actually, it’s quite impossible for them to swim without their fins.
It’d have been a bit understandable if shark fins have incredible taste, but did you know that shark fin meat is actually tasteless? It doesn’t have any flavour, which is why the rest of the ingredients have to be seasoned strongly. The reason why shark fin is so desired is because of its chewy, gelatinous texture—and its supposed health benefits.

Doesn’t Hold Water
The Chinese are known for many things, one of which is their vast knowledge in health and medicine, but say what they want about shark fins—there are no studies or scientific evidence to support that shark fins can prevent hypertension and heart disease, much less evidence of them being able to boost the sexual prowess of a person, or to give smoother and younger-looking skin.
In fact, a bowl of shark fin soup contains the same amount of nutrients a bowl of vegetable soup may have, with a few differences in zinc and iron.
However, to harvest the fins of these creatures just for its texture and ungrounded health benefits is an outrage. Humans are killing an entire specie just because of their petty whims.
Sharks play an important role in the ocean’s balance. They’re apex predators—species who are on top of the food chain. They control the population of the other species below their link. Without them, that delicate balance will be broken, and the carefully controlled ecosystem might very well collapse. If that happens, sea creatures aren’t the only ones who’ll be affected—even land animals, and humans, will be affected, too. After all, several land animals get their food from the oceans too, right?

Finished with Fins
The harvesting of shark fins should be stopped! For all animals, extinctiondanger shouldn’t even exist. Everyone needs everyone else to survive. We need to stop hunting sharks and start protecting them and their natural habitat. Remember: sharks are friends, not food!
Do you think sharks should be hunted for food?

Visit Shark Angels is Leading a worldwide movement to save sharks by inspiring others through their own actions.

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